A Warrior for God

In Biblical times, a Warrior for God was one who followed the hundreds of laws set forth during the time of Moses, including the sacrifices required throughout the year. It was a daunting task! When Jesus spoke to the Pharisees, He explained that the laws were to be replaced with one simple task….”to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37). When He died for our sins, He provided a way out of the law and into grace, simply by believing in Him. In John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” When we set our eyes on Jesus and believe in Him, we become Warriors for God.

A Warrior wears their Armor daily. This involves beginning the day with prayer and meditation on God. Ephesians 6:10-18 provide a list of armor a Warrior needs to prepare for battle, every single day. We have the Belt of Truth buckled around our waist – the scriptures that we read and memorize daily. This truth is always on our hearts when we are attacked on the battlefield, because we will be attacked! Psalm 119:11 tells us to “hide the word in our hearts” so that we do not sin against Him. Scripture helps us fight the temptation of sin and the devil’s schemes.

In today’s world, we are surrounded by temptation! Our iPhones, television programs, music, and even some churches are feeding our minds and hearts with lies and treacherous things. The world has justified sin for cultural changes…that times have changed and innocence has changed. Not true!! Sin is still sin and truth is still truth! A Warrior for God stands for principles of truth that our found in the Bible. Those truths include honoring one another; being obedient to God, parents, and authority; honoring marriage; saving the lives of children and babies; and filling our hearts and minds with goodness.

Ephesians 6:13 says repeatedly that we must stand in our Armor of God, standing firm in the values God has instilled in us as Christians. When we fall away from Biblical truths we are jeopardizing our faith, as well as our children’s future. Warriors for God do not falter in their focus on God. This life is a race for us all and we must set our eyes on the path before us! Hebrews 12:2 reminds us of the sin that hinders and entangles us and how we must throw it off to “run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” Consider what Jesus endured on the cross for us, so that we may be free and receive mercy. Warriors for God appreciate His sacrifice and honors it daily in the way they live.

Warriors for God live their lives with targets on their back. As their faith grows, as they disciple to others, and while they worship God, Satan is devising schemes for them to fall. 1Peter 5:8-9 reminds us to “Be alert and of sober mind.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” We are to resist him and stand firm in our faith.

Suit up in your Armor each day, knowing that Satan will attack. God will be on the battlefield with you through His Holy Spirit inside you. Remember, the war has already been won, and we are on the winning side!!

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